Mount Lindsey Waiver

An executed waiver is required for any individual accessing the Trinchera Blanca Ranch (Property) to hike Mount Lindsey, including minors.

The Waiver Form for Minors needs to be filled out and signed by a guardian on behalf of the minor. Each minor must be accompanied by an adult who has signed the Waiver Form for Adults 

You are trespassing if you enter the Property without executing and submitting the Mt. Lindsey Waiver, or if you deviate from the designated Mt. Lindsey access route as set forth in the Mt. Lindsey Waiver.

Access to this Property is for the sole purpose of recreational hiking from the access point to the summit of Mt. Lindsey along the designated access route. You may not access any other portion of the property and you may not use the property for any other purpose.

You may not hunt, camp, or stay overnight on this Property.

The use of motorized vehicles, motorized equipment, and any other form of mechanical or wheeled transport and the operation of any drone on or above the Property is strictly prohibited.

Mt. Lindsey trails and access routes are not maintained and are not supervised.

All access is at your own risk. Do not attempt if you are not qualified and properly equipped.